Power Plant Operation Part 3|Procedure|Start-up |Shutdown|Complete Guideline for Beginners

Power Plant Operation Part 3|Procedure|Start-up |Shutdown|Complete Guideline for Beginners

Power Plant Operation Part 3|Procedure|Start-up |Shutdown|Complete Guideline for Beginners
Power Plant Operation Part 3

This is 3rd part of Power Plant Operation Standard Procedure 2022,"Power Plant Operation Part 3|Procedure|Start-up |Shutdown|Complete Guideline for Beginners" If you miss first and 2nd part please initially you should be read power plant Operation standard procedure part-1 and 2,then you'll read 3rd part. i feel this volume article will be very help you become a good power plant operation engineer.

Gas Turbine Pre-Check up|start-up|Synchronization 

Gas Turbine startup: 

➢ Confirm GT Lube oil system and Seal oil system is in operation continuously as Hydrogen is 
filled inside Generator.
▪ Note: Sufficient stock of Hydrogen cylinders to be ensured for regular 
➢ Confirm GT control oil system is in operation.
➢ Confirm the availability of BOP auxiliaries (Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump, Instrument Air 
Compressor, Closed Cooling Water Pump, Induced Draft Cooling Tower & Gas Booster 
➢ Confirm GBC is in running condition and Buffer vessel, GSC 2 and GT fuel gas flowmeter 
inlet and outlet valve are in open condition.
➢ Confirm gas is available up to GT and check the Methane % at GT inlet. (If Nitrogen gas 
was purged earlier) 
➢ Ensure Lock out relay at GT PCC is not operated. If in operated, same need to be reset. 
➢ Ensure VCB of SFC Transformer is in Rack in condition at 6.6 KV switchgear and Local 
Remote selection key is in Remote
➢ Ensure GCB Local Remote selection key is in Remote.

❖ In GT OPERATION page confirm the following before any start-up:

✓ Select start mode – Normal or Spin and Simple cycle or Combined cycle
✓ ALR mode select- ALR ON, Coordination OFF
✓ Operation mode select- Load Limit
✓ AFC Mode- OFF
✓ Operating location select- CCR
✓ Operating select- GTC-OPS
✓ Over speed TRIP Test- OFF
✓ Advance CPFM auto adjustment control- ON
✓ GT load operation- ALR set to be 15 MW

• Confirm all the “READY TO START CONDITION” in GT Operation page – All the condition should be 

Line up the Gas Turbine for TCA blowing (If Gas Turbine is in shutdown condition for more than 
a month. Otherwise this step is not required to be performed) Refer the below procedure:


➢ Compressed air is cooled in the turbine cooling air (TCA) cooler and flows into turbine 
parts for cooling. The design of existing TCA lines has been adopted in numerous past 
MHPS large frame Gas Turbines.
➢ As the high temperature compressed air is provided into this system during Gas Turbine 
operation, no condensation is expected in this system.
➢ However, condensed water can be accumulated in TCA line when TCA temperature is 
lower than its dew point during GT shutdown. As a result, TCA line may have rusts after 
long term shutdown, especially under high humid ambient condition.
➢ In order to prevent carrying rusts to turbine cooling air passage of GT internal, proper 
blowing out operation of TCA line (FSNL Blow) shall be conducted periodically.


To Blowout rusts and deposits to GT Exhaust
By using TCA blow line through TCA filter (inertia type), rusts and deposits will be blown 
out to GT Exhaust as follows.


➢ This section provides the guideline for FSNL Blow for TCA Line.
▪ In case GT is shut down in excess of 30 days, FSNL blow operation shall be 
performed every 30 days and GT restart.
▪ If dry air is injected to TCA line for dry conservation during these long-term 
shutdowns, FSNL blow operation frequency can be extended to every 90 days.


➢ Confirm Gas Turbine is out of operation in turning condition.
➢ Open isolation valves (01MBH05AA143/AA132) at TCA Blow Line.
➢ Close isolation valve (01MBH05AA102) at TCA Filter Bleed line to GasTurbine.
➢ After confirmation of all Gas Turbine start-up pre-conditions, start Gas Turbineand 
reach to Full Speed No Load (FSNL).

Prior to performing FSNL Blow, make sure of safety around rotating shaft.

➢ Monitors the following operational parameters during FSNL Blow operations
Disc Cavity Temperatures 
▪ Shaft Vibrations 
▪ Bearing Oil Drain Temperatures 
▪ Lube Oil supply pressure and Temperature 
➢ Continue FSNL Blow operation more than one (1) hour.

➢ Shutdown Gas Turbine.
➢ Open isolation valve (01MBH05AA102) to return back to normal valve position.
➢ Close isolation valves (01MBH05AA143/AA132) to return back to normal valve position.


DO NOT synchronize and/or load up Gas turbine unit during TCA Blow operation.
Otherwise the lack of cooling air to Gas Turbine may damage the turbine 

After completion of TCA Blow operation, the isolation valve 
(01MBH05AA102) shall be open at first, then close isolation valves 
(01MBH05AA143/AA132) for proper GT operation

After confirmation of all make SFC ready from SFC preparation in GT operation page
Select SFC Preparation page 
Select SFC Preparation
Select Execute

Once SFC is ready – SFC ready will glow in “RED” and now all ‘READY TO START’ condition will be satisfied in 
• Now GT can be started from GT OPERATION page:
Select start from GT Operation and Execute
GT SFC will start and purging timer will start @700 rpm
After purging completion, GT firing will happen @575rpm (Confirm the Flame ON) in GT operation.

 If combined cycle is selected purging will be done for simple cycle and combined cycle (after Damper 
opening) also.
• GT will ramp up to rated speed. 
• If TCA Blowing is performed the GT has be shutdown as per the above procedure and TCA Line up valves to be 
normalized as per the procedure.
• Once the above activity is completed. GT can be started again after the pre-defined time (RESTART PERMIT 
TIME) is completed. (Available in GT Operation page).
• Again, after starting GT and reaching FSNL, GT can be synchronized

Before synchronization confirm the DISCONNECTOR SWITCH OF GCB is in closed condition. (IF OPEN, Close it 
from DCS Electrical page GTGSU GCB.
For synchronization follow the following steps in (GT GENERATOR OPERATION MONITOR 2)

              Select GEN SYN. MODE
                         Select Auto
                     Select Execute

Once GT is synchronized to grid load can be increased as per the requirement whether in simple cycle or in 
combined cycle mode.

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